Listings prior to 2019
Hoop Heart earrings were featured on model and actress Eri Saito's personal clothing account #Erisifuku.
TV program "Gatten! Chika Yamane wore our CRYSTAL WHEEL earrings
2019.7Mobile No.2 earrings were worn by Chika Yamane on the TV program "Ozumou e-no Yakusai".
2017.9Chika Yamane wore our mobile No.2 earrings in the TV program "Gatten! Chika Yamane wore our earrings on the TV program "Gatten!
Ayame Tsuyoshi wore our Circle Reversible Ear Cuff on the TV program "Kiseki Densetsu Unbilly Babo".
July 2017
Minyu Yoshimoto wore this ear cuff in the TV program "Potential Ability Test".
2017.5Worn by Minyu Yoshimoto in the TV program "Hayashi Sensei Surprises Hatsumimimi Gaku".
2017.5 Ayame Tsuyoshi wore our butterfly ring andscallop ring on the TV program "Miracle Experience Unbilly Bobo".
2017.4Our products were featured in the June issue of "Linnell" magazine.